Thursday 6 June 2013


"When one has tasted watermelon, he knows what the angels eat" - Mark Twain

Price I Paid
I bought this slice for £1.25 in Tesco.  You can buy a whole watermelon for about £2 which is far better value but I don't have a knife at uni big enough to cut a huge watermelon. I think a housemate has acquired three of my knives somehow?

Watermelons are huge, this slice was quite enough for me!  There are arguments over whether this is a fruit or vegetable as it is technically a fruit but has been used in many cultural dishes as a vegetable.  You should not store watermelon in the fridge unless it has been opened as the temperature breaks down the inside and reduces the nutrients.

I have been told by a friend the best way to choose a watermelon is by lifting it up and choosing the one that seems the heaviest in comparison to its size.  The heavier it is, the more water it contains and therefore the juicier it will be.  To spot a ripe watermelon you look and the underside it should be a creamy yellow colour with few green stripes.  If it has lots of stripes and a green/white bottom it is not ripe enough.  Watermelons don't continue to ripen once picked so you may aswell choose a nice ripe one from the start.  Once cut open there is a pretty red inside. 

Watermelon is not too heavy as they tend to be about 90% water so very refreshing.  These melons contain big black seeds that you will need to pick out and small white seeds are fine to eat.  You can buy seedless melons like the one that I bought as shown above, these still contain the edible white seeds.  I have noticed the seedless melons are not as sweet or juicy as the melons with seeds.

A sweet fruity scent

Health Benefits
In one wedge there are 86 calories (4 from fat) and contain lots of vitamin A/C according to nutritiondata online.   Contains lycoprene that has been found to reduce the risk of many types of cancer and was historically used as a homeopathic version of dialysis which has now been proven to be effective.  It is also an alkaline food which is good for your stomach in low doses as it reduces the acid.  

Overall Reaction 
I love watermelons!

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