Monday 3 June 2013

Lyons' Fig Rolls

When I was in Juan Les Pins when I was about 16/17 I discovered Figolou fig rolls.  These were really tasty and I have had a real passion for fig rolls ever since.  I have tried many different brands since then but Lyons' are my favourite.  Figolou rolls were a bit crunchy for me, Jacobs did not have enough filling, Crawford's were far too flat and so my hunt for the perfect fig roll continued.  I discovered Sainsbury's fig rolls were pretty good and I had stuck by them until I made this fabulous discovery.  While writing this post I Googled fig rolls to see if I could find out more about Lyons'.  Whilst doing that I came across a site that rates biscuits, all of my impressions of the fig rolls I had tried before seem to concern other people aswell.  Unfortunately, those poor people had not discovered Lyons' yet.

Price I Paid
This brand of fig rolls is more than elusive, I succeeded in finding them in a few small newsagents in Leicester for a premium price of 79p.  Tesco online have a 3 for £1.50 offer on right now as well but I decided against participating in this tempting offer as they aren't too healthy.  Without the offer they retail for 69p for a pack of 12 biscuits.

How to prepare
Open the packet...

As you can see in the picture they are a beige shortbread biscuit with a brown fig filling.

The reason I decided to put these in my blog is because I think these are the best fig rolls I have ever had! In comparison with other well known makes that I have tried these have the most fig filling and the softest biscuit. The jam inside tastes nothing like raw figs, it is quite sweet and much thicker than a jam.  The taste is very hard to describe but for 69p I recommend you go out and buy some to try!

Smells like a biscuit..

Health benefits
I doubt there are any real health benefits to these other than the feeling of happiness, induced by the taste.  But there are 145 calories in each so best not to stuff your face.  

Overall Reaction 
Lyons' have been around since 1938, so have loads of experience.  They aim to produce good tasting biscuits that are value for money and go well with a cup of tea.  An interesting fact is that Margaret Thatcher worked as a chemist for the company up until 1959 when she became an MP.  
So far these are the best fig rolls I have ever eaten! 10/10

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