Monday 24 June 2013

Dripping Or Slime Effect Nails

I started with a base coat of Barry M's Foil Effects in Gold.  This varnish is very thin which is what you will need for this technique.  Only use polishes that are in good condition for this because you want them to drip slightly.

I used MaxFactor Max Effect polish in Intense Plum for this. When you take the brush and dip it into the varnish, don't wipe off too much of the excess. Move the brush from half way up your nail to the tip depositing as much of the colour as you can at the beginning of the stroke to make a bit of a blob.  Judge the quantity carefully though as you want a dripping effect but you do not want it to actually drip off the brush or it will end up a mess and take forever to dry.

The trick to this effect is using your base colour to go back over inbetween the drips you have made from the opposite direction of the middle down to thin out the darker drip lines you just created.  Use the same "blob"  technique to enhance the efffect of the blob from the other direction.

The finished result

The other hand, applying the dark drips middle to top.

The other hand applying the base colour inbetween drips in the direction of the middle to bottom of the nail.

Other hand finished result.  It was a little messier as I dripped the gold base colour onto my nailbeds but nothing that couldn't be cleared up with a cotton wool bud dipped in nail polish remover.

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