Friday 7 June 2013

Seventeen on the spot foundation in Natural - Review and Swatch

Sample Packet


Swatch on white paper/Removal wipe

On my skin

Price I Paid
I got this as a free sample with something I purchased in Boots.  The full size bottle retails at £5.99.

The full size bottle is a squeezy tube but with a pump. I can't really comment on it because I have not seen the full size version apart from as a picture online.

The sample I received was in the colour 'natural' and this shade was far too dark for me.  There are actually four different shades that are lighter than this that would have suited my skin tone much better but I decided to try the free sample out for texture and coverage anyway. 

This is a very thick foundation, I would compare it more to a concealer that you can use all over your face.  As you can see it almost completely obscured the dark brown line on my hand and once it has dried you could easily put a second layer on and it would entirely cover any blemish you have. It probably has more coverage than my natural collection/MAC concealers!  
The real downside to this product is that it is so incredibly thick and contains no oil so dries very fast.  This combination means that it is very difficult to spread over skin evenly. You can see in the final photograph how unevenly this has spread even though I used a stippling brush to apply it.  If it was a perfect match with my skin colour this wouldn't matter as much I guess. This foundation also seems to oxidise as I left it on my face for an hour or so and it seemed to just be getting even darker and patchier.
I actually think this foundation should be used as a concealer, it claims to be full coverage and it really lives up to that.  If you have spot prone skin I don't think it would be good to apply a thick layer of makeup over your whole face as it would block your pores and make everything worse.  It is also very difficult to get off, I went through a whole makeup wipe! 


Does not have any particular smell.


It claims to contain a 'unique skin clear complex' but what that means is that it just contains salicylic acid which can reduce swelling and unblock pores.  This ingredient itself is by no means unique and can be found in spot treatments such as Clearasil.  In my opinion it is a good idea to patch test this on your hand for a few hours as some people find this acid an irritant and when putting something on your face it is always better to test it first if it contains active ingredients.

Overall Reaction 
I don't need this level of coverage personally and although this wasn't my colour the formula is still very patchy and hard to apply.  This product would be good for someone who wants a very heavy, medicated foundation.

1 comment:

  1. bookmarked!!, I love your web site!

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