Tuesday 30 July 2013

Further Contouring

These next few steps will show you how to even out some more advanced features.  You can add these additions to the original contouring post that can be found by clicking here.

Double Chin
Shade underneath the face to hide a double chin slightly.  Highlight the centre of the chin to move the focus towards the face and away from the shading underneath the face.

A Longer Nose
To hide a longer nose shade just under the tip of it to take the emphasis away from the botttom of it and reduce any shine that might usually make it more obvious as well.

A High Forehead

To hide a higher forehead shade over all of it close to the hairline reduce the size.

A Wider Nose
To reduce a wide nose shade over the sides of it slightly to slim it.

A Wider Forehead
To reduce the size of a wide forehead shade either side of it as shown in the diagram and this will balance it out with the rest of the face.

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