Sunday 14 July 2013

Cadbury's Milk Tray

Price I paid
About £7

How to Prepare
Just open the box!


Hmm I love Cadbury's chocolate but I am not actually convinced by this selection.  The chocolates are absolutely tiny for the size and price of the box there is probably more plastic packaging than chocolate.
I hate fake strawberry/orange flavoured creams in chocolate which rules out two of the options already. It reminds me of Calpol which is a medicine and as much as I would love to compare chocolate/sweets to being a medicine this is one step too far even for me.  Another issue is that I absolutely cannot stand turkish delight it is anything but delightful, it is disgusting.  Turkish delights lurking in chocolate boxes like these actually offends me.
The other flavours are really plain and boring, the only one that I really enjoyed was the honey caramel one. You are better off buying a bar of dairy milk than this tray.

Um.. like chocolate

Health Benefits 
In small quantities eating chocolate is fine, in fact it does have some benefits and out of principle I am not going to discuss the negatives of eating chocolate on my blog.  I will happily justify it and can rant at you about the psychological benefits of consuming ridiculous amounts of chocolate!

Overall Reaction
Choose another box!

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