Wednesday 17 July 2013

How I Apply Liquid Eyeliner

This is just a quick video to show how I like to apply thin liquid eyeliner.  When I apply a thicker line I apply it differently and will make another video soon.  I am not very good at doing makeup videos yet because I haven't had much practice and it is hard to see what you are doing and look into the camera! The reason it is in black and white is because when I took the video the light was far too bright and putting it in black and white makes it a little clearer.

Steps for liquid eyeliner:
1. Make sure there is lots of product on the brush (not so much that it is about to drip) but you need a good amount so that you do not end up with blank patches and can get a nice even line.
2. Apply it in short feathery strokes as close to the eyelashes as you can.  I like to start from the center of my eyelid and work towards the edge and then go back to do the inner corner to the middle.  I find this easier because then I can judge how thick the line on one side was and match it up to the inner part suitably.
3. Try not to suddenly open your eyes/sneeze/look up etcetc because it will transfer onto your upper eyelid if it has not dried properly yet!
4. I find it easiest to look down into a mirror and stretch out my eyelid with my other hand so that my eyelid is not creased.  Putting a line of eyeliner straight over the creases in your eyelid will create jagged lines when you open your eyes.

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